Organic Mexico Chiapas El Triunfo – Black River Roasters


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Organic Mexico Chiapas El Triunfo


Organic Mexico Chiapas El Triunfo

sweet and savory cup of cocoa flavors

with mellow sugary sweetness and tart citrus.

 Coffee Farm Information
Location: CESMACH Cooperative, El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve
Altitude: 1200 - 1750 MASL
Process: Fully Washed
Harvest: January - April 2023



CESMACH has nearly 500 active members and has been managed by Sixto Bonilla for the duration of our relationship so far. Sixto is very quality-focused and driven to empower his cooperative community with the tools and resources to produce better quality. We have collaborated with Sixto on several projects, and look forward to working closely with him in the future as well.

The farms of both CESMACH and the FTV are located in the buffer zone of El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve, which is in the highlands of the Sierra Madre. it is one of the most diverse forest reserve areas in the world and contains Mesoamerica's largest cloud forest, as well as a protected natural environment for thousands of plant and animal species. All of the coffee produced here is shade-grown.

Chiapas is the southernmost region of Mexico. The mountains of this region span into bordering Guatemala and much of this tropical forest is the protected Triunfo Biosphere Reserve. This area is humid and tropical, inhabited by small communities of producers who have formed cooperatives to gain stronger representation in the coffee market. These producers take pride in their land, growing coffee organically through methods passed down from generation to generation.




Organic Mexico Chiapas El Triunfo


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