Organic Sumatra – Black River Roasters


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Organic Sumatra Gayo Leuser Antara

This Sumatra produces a bold, full-bodied cup with notes of syrupy dark chocolate, cedar, and vanilla.


 Coffee Farm Information
Location: Jagong Jeget and Berawang Highlands in Aceh.
Process: Giling Basah (Indonesia's wet hulling process)
Elevation: 1450 - 1600 masl
Harvest: April - June
Varietal:  Catimor, Bourbon, Jember
Drying: Patio Drying

Founded in 2015, the Gayo Laauser Antara Cooperative consists of about 466 farmers, each cultivating on approximately 1-5 hectares of land each. Each farmer produces around 33 containers of coffee per year, and everyone in the cooperative is Fair Trade certified and organic. Most of the farms are small in scale and family-run, and many of the farming families moved to Jagong Jeget and Berawang highlands in Aceh in 1982 during a movement designed to economically support rural families. Giling Basah is the name for Indonesia's wet hulling process, and it is the predominant processing method completed there due to the high levels of rainfall.

Organic Sumatra Gayo Leuser Antara


Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Laurie Fischer
Organic Sumatra Galo Leuser Antara makes SUCH a bold, but smooth “PourOverPress”

I use an aero press with a combo pour-over/press approach, but my morning coffee is only as good as the coffee going into it. Your Organic Sumatra Gayo Leuser Antara or the Timor (not sure if that’s back) both make a rich, bold, but smooth, cup of beautiful black elixir!! My whole family loves it when they come to visit.

Kristen Marks
So tasty!

Loved this coffee, thanks!