Organic French Roast - "Dark Star"
A robust, full-bodied blend with lots of depth and texture. Notes of dark and milk chocolate, orange, brown sugar and almond flavors.

The term "French Roast" has often been misused by the American coffee consumer for the past decade. While it traditionally meant a "darker than average" roast, the term has come to define burnt, oily coffee.
At Black River Roasters, our mission is to roast in such a way that one can enjoy the unique and natural flavors from the countries of origin. So in this "Dark Star" dark roast blend (we do love the Grateful Dead here!) we hope to accomplish something similar to traditional French Roasts for those who enjoy very robust coffees, while simultaneously maintaining the natural complexity and sweetness of the coffee!
A French Roast should be a bit darker than a full city roast. It is definitely bold enough to stand on its own with a dynamic character and a rich finish.
High-caffeine fans: don't be misled by a darker roast. They have tend to have less caffeine than their lighter-roasted counterparts. Caffeine is a compound that is somewhat roasted out of the coffee bean, and the longer it's roasted the more the caffeine dissipates. If it's the caffeine you're looking for, head on over to our Breakfast Blend or other light-medium roasts!
Organic French Roast - "Dark Star"
Ordered BRR coffee more than twice They must be doing something right.
Rich flavor without being over-roasted. My favorite by far.
Organic Dark Star - "French Roast"
I really like this organic coffee. I grind it for espresso. It’s fresh and delicious. Complex. Not bitter.
Very nice bold taste, first time trying it, will definitely get it again.